What happens after I submit with Taxd?
You’ll receive a PDF copy of your Self Assessment tax return and SA302 tax calculation summary - here’s what else you need to know.

For your records
We’ll provide you with a PDF copy of the tax return. This contains an IRMark which is the submission ‘receipt’ of what we had submitted to HMRC. This is a visual copy of the tax return, but we submit a digital version directly to HMRC through a connection between our software and HMRC.
You’ll also receive an SA302 tax calculation summary. Both documents are useful for mortgage applications and other requirements. Documents are saved within your Taxd dashboard - so you’ve always got it to hand if you need.
Paying a liability
Taxd will not process any payments around your liability - this needs to be done directly with HMRC. There are a couple ways including:
- Direct Debit
- Online/Mobile Bank Transfer
- Card payment online
- At your bank
- Cheque (post)
Full details can be found on the HMRC page here: https://www.gov.uk/pay-self-assessment-tax-bill
Collecting your refund
If you provided your UK bank details, then your refund will automatically be processed by HMRC to your bank account within a few weeks following submission. Generally around 2 weeks, but this does take a bit longer in January due to the number of filings.
If a refund is taking longer to process, we’d recommend getting in touch with HMRC for an update.
Status of tax return
Once you submit with Taxd, it instantly goes off to HMRC. It will take a couple days for HMRC to process and update your personal tax account with HMRC. In the meantime, you can also confirm receipt by contacting HMRC and quoting your UTR to check the status of your tax return.
We’re not HMRC, so we can’t help with paying the actual tax liability or processing refunds! But we’re here to help answer any questions so feel free to get in touch with the Taxd team through the Contact Us page or our help-chat.
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